Out of all the films at NYFF this year, I was determined to
see Only Lovers Left Alive. I love Tilda Swinton and I have grown to like Tom
Hiddleston. And they were in a vampire movie that didn’t involve teenage angst
and glitter? No brainer! I couldn’t make the press screening for this, but did
manage to grab a ticket to one of the showings later on that week.
This film isn’t long, but it may feel like it is based on
long scenes of instrumental swells and dialogue. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just be
prepared to check your watch on occasion. Granted, this may be, because I was
running on 5 hours of sleep and just walked out of seeing HER.

There is no real plot to the movie. There are several
conflicts that arise, but overall it’s sort of a slice of life piece. You follow these cool, sexy vampire couple around Detroit as they try to deal with the constantly changing world. It’s a very beautiful looking film as well. It captures that Dracula Gothicism while incorporating some elements of rock n'roll. Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton have a very nice chemistry. There is a sweetness between them that is so intriguing, and you get the sense that that the actors themselves are quite fond of each other. This film will probably have a mixed response, but if you’re
a fan of old gothic vampire tales then
this will wet your appetite.